Veterans Day
Veterans Day
I’ve been asked my entire adult life if I was a United States Marine. The answer is no as that wasn’t the course of action I chose coming out of college. It is a regret as everything I believe is demonstrated by the Corp. Today I have thought about what I have in common, in fact what my family and business has in common with not only the Marines but all of the military service branches as well as the peace keepers, firefighters and medical teams.
Here is what it is. My family and DewCoach have a tremendous desire, as do all the afore mentioned, to serve others. We don’t care what race, gender, age, sexual orientation, current circumstances of life, number of abortions, who you voted for, or where you born. We love first, served second and judge not. Just like the active troops, veterans and first responders. If you need help, we give it. If you want to change and grow, we come alongside and lead, demonstrate and teach.
The country is in some degree of turmoil. We are not. Just like the trained military, medical and peacekeepers, we have trained ourselves to be ready to serve in times of turmoil. We don’t recoil at events, we embrace chaos, challenge and seek to actively be a part of people’s lives that need and want our help.
You can find us easily online, at our home, at our version of a ‘ranch’ called DewCoach where you will be accepted, loved and I guarantee changed. We will give you everything we have including tough love to move you to another place, the place you truly seek deep in your heart.
No, I wasn’t blessed to be a Marine but I’ve known many and they humble me with their attitude and effort. I seek to honor them with my attitude and effort and in so doing see every human being as one race, ‘the human race‘ and I seek to serve them.
Have a great Veterans Day and I encourage you to serve another today!
Terry Gourley aka DewCoach